Friday, June 12, 2009

PLAY DAY!!! I took a million pictures this day, it was very hard to pick just a few. This was about half way through the day, she was having a great time, but it was hot and a long day.
She actually did the mega slide!!!

That is Matt standing next to this massive slide. We were amazed, we've never seen one this big. It was huge and looked really's a water slide. Matt asked the guy how tall it was....are you ready.....64 feet HIGH....I could see it over the top of the school building. Craziness!!! I was shocked and very proud of her for sliding down...she can be a scaredy cat like me sometimes...I'm trying to make her do things and not be scared!!! You only live once, right!!!

This is so Maggie...she is suppose to be racing...but all she can do is look at me and pose for a picture!!!

Great picture...look at the concentration....the determination...that tongue hanging out....I guess it helped her to run faster!!! Thank goodness she has enough of Matt in her to be competitive and want to win!!!

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