Saturday, June 13, 2009

I have been TERRIBLE about updating this blog....I haven't added one picture since, that's bad!!! I did have a major virus on our computer...which I didn't fix for that's my excuse!!! I've tried to update our lives since Halloween with as few pictures as possible. We have been SUPER busy!!! I went back to work in January...I was a floating 1st grade teacher...that means the 4 classrooms had 25 kids per room (which is more than they are suppose to have) BUT they used me as a floater teacher going from room to room. Then one of the teacher's had a baby and was on maternity leave for 13 weeks and I took over her class, which was an adventure!!! I enjoyed going back to work, but wow we were going non-stop, between school, dance and working out at the gym, I never stopped. Matt's business has skyrocketed, which is great, he is SUPER Busy....actually right now it a Friday 3:00 am and he has been sitting in the kitchen working since about 11pm!!! That's an every night thing, he is working so hard, I'm very proud of him and his hard work!!! Maggie and Gracie and myself are super excited that it's summer and we can sleep late!!! Yee Haw!!! We Dixon's like to sleep late!!!! We are leaving for Pensacola next Friday, so I promise to post dance recital and beach pictures as soon as we return.
What sweet girls...they are praying before we ate.

This is a special night at her church school where the kids show off all the songs they have learned. She is such a ham and loves to sing!!!

One baby just wasn't enough this night!!!!

Gracie's last day of Sunshine School picnic.

The girls LOVE to swing on the monkey bars.

Waiting so patiently for her turn to swing!!!

The same day as Gracie's picnic was Maggie's beach day. The Kindergarteners have a day full of sprinklers, pools, games, kites, chalk, play dough and TONS more. I was running back and forth between the picnic and beach day...what a fun day off for mom!!!

We spent Memorial Day at Tye and Krissy's house. About half way through the day the rains came!!! As you can see from this picture the kids didn't mind at all, they were having a blast. BUT, the dad's got caught out in the yard and were hiding under the fort for cover!!!
More playday fun!!!

Can't have play day without Tug of War!!!

This picture is so sweet!!! This is Maggie in big sister mode...she was showing Gracie off to her classmates. She was so sweet to her baby sister. These are those moments when you almost, I sound like an old sap!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

PLAY DAY!!! I took a million pictures this day, it was very hard to pick just a few. This was about half way through the day, she was having a great time, but it was hot and a long day.
She actually did the mega slide!!!

That is Matt standing next to this massive slide. We were amazed, we've never seen one this big. It was huge and looked really's a water slide. Matt asked the guy how tall it was....are you ready.....64 feet HIGH....I could see it over the top of the school building. Craziness!!! I was shocked and very proud of her for sliding down...she can be a scaredy cat like me sometimes...I'm trying to make her do things and not be scared!!! You only live once, right!!!

This is so Maggie...she is suppose to be racing...but all she can do is look at me and pose for a picture!!!

Great picture...look at the concentration....the determination...that tongue hanging out....I guess it helped her to run faster!!! Thank goodness she has enough of Matt in her to be competitive and want to win!!!

Last day of Sunshine School!!!

Bluebonnet pictures were very hard this year...don't know why??? The girls were not in the mood and the wind was not helping. This is the best one I could find....I like them looking at each other, very sweet.

I forgot these two from the All Star review...Gracie was dancing with one of the captains. She was not shy at all...she has no problem being up on stage!!!

WOW...#6!!! She lost 4 teeth right in a row...she is so toothless it's hillarious. I love the way she is talking, so funny!!!
Feeding the ducks in our backyard. We had a boy and girl duck hanging around our street for about a month.

Maggie's first school field trip!!! The Dallas Zoo!! We made it all morning with no rain until around noon and then the sky fell!!! The girls were all trying to hid under this one umbrella, so funny. We had a great time even in the rain.

All Star Review...The girls were mascots for the drill team at Mesquite this year and they danced at the end. I left the photo taking up to Matt....I should have taken them, this was the best one!!! I love him dearly, but photography is not his thing.

Matt's big 34!!!

#5!!! This one was TERRIBLE!!! I was tired of looking at it hanging sideways!!! BUT, once we got to pulling and shaking the tooth wasn't as lose as we thought. I think it took an hour to pull....nightmare...just ask Gimmie. She was spending the night with us and the screaming and craziness was so bad that she went and hid in the bathroom....she says she was taking a bath, but it was a really long one!!! OH, girls and the drama!!!

I love this one....Matt is helping her ride without training wheels. She really needs a new bike, she has about out grown this one. I love how Matt is ready to save his baby from going into those bushes!!!

Easter 2009

Easter Morning...Maggie is going to be so mad at me for posting this with her in her panties!

Tooth number 4!!! I think this was the tooth that fell out while her daddy was brushing her teeth before school.

They rode on the float with the dance studio...RODEO PARADE.

Maggie had western day at school....I love Gracie's smile!!!

NO THIS IS NOT A FLASH BACK PICTURE.... this is actually us at a shower for some friends of ours. Any excuse for us to dress up and act a fool, we will find a way. We gave some friends of ours a baby was a high school reunion theme....come as you were your senior year. No, that isn't my actual uniform, but I did manage to squeeze myself into one....the boots are a size 9....I wear a 10....I wore them long enough to take a picture. That is my homecoming mum from 1992....I made Matt's!!! HAHA

Take a walk with Daddy.

This happens every morning...especially now that it's summer!!! Oh, that's our bed!!!

Playing treasure hunt in Maggie's closet with buddy boy. I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear their conversations!!!

The girls read ALL the time, it's wonderful to watch and hear. Before Kindergarten started she was already starting to read, but now that's is summer, WOW, she is doing an awesome job reading. Every night she falls asleep reading, I'm so proud of her.

Our 6 year old!!! Wow, she is growing up way to fast.
The birthday girl at ASI.

They can be so sweet sometimes.

Our sweet Gimmie decided that Maggie really needed a makeup set for her birthday. REAL MAKEUP!!! Thank you Gimmie!!!!!

I always decorate the girls room the night before their birthday. This is Maggie Ann on the morning of her 6th, already 6!!!
Gracie is so excited to be at ASI with her church school friends!!! Can't you see the joy, ha!!

Maggie getting awards at school, perfect attendance, A honor roll and a birthday one (I think).

My girls!!! (mommy with no makeup...a little scary.)

Gracie is head over heals in love with her new baby cousin. If Cy is in the room, she is asking to hold him, she is such a mother goose!!!